Thoughts from Quarantine #4

Here we are, week #4, and the world is still upside-down. But will it ever be right-side-up? I don't mean that in a pessimistic way by any means, I just wonder if the world will change for the better. My mother said something the other day as we enjoyed each other's company from what seemed like miles away from each other in the driveway. She said that some of her co-workers were talking at the hospital about how their children would remember this 15 years from now. One of the responses was “oh you mean that time that we had no school for weeks, played outside all day long, and ate dinner together every night? That was the greatest!” I can only hope that this time will make us all appreciate everything that we are currently not allowed to do. I hope we can all be a little more thoughtful, a little more kind, and a little more compationate towards everyone.

For those that have felt loss during this time, I am so sorry for that and I have no words except that if we all don't use this and grow in a positive way, all those lost will be in vain. We need to rise from the ashes and try harder to be better humans after this is all done.

I know that I am amazed everyday that people get up, and head to the front lines of this pandemic, praying they don't get sick themselves. Healthcare workers have been amazing through this, and whether you want to hear it or not, thank you! My mother has fearlessly gotten up, gowned up, and has fought to keep those fallen sick healthy, so a healthcare worker’s sacrifice hits very close to home with me.

For both of us, we plan to come out of this the best humans possible. We want to make sure that we do our part everyday and take nothing for granted.

Matthew Scott